Hamlett Temple Colored Methodist Episcopal Church was organized August 23, 1923 in the home of Mrs. Lovie Bandy on Indiana Street near Eight Mile Road in Detroit, MI. Mrs. Bandy, along with Mrs. Sanfrancisco Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Viola Crump, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Blanche Warfield, Mr. Ollie Hill, Mrs. Prudence Williams and Mr. Mores Wright were committed to doing God’s will.  The Reverend S. J. Elliott served as the first Pastor with the Reverend C. H. Cochran as the Assistant Pastor. Reverend H. C. Coggins was the Presiding Elder of the Detroit District.  The founders decided to name the church Hamlett Temple after the Presiding Prelate the Right Reverend Arthur Hamlett.

In 1925, the Reverend J. Black was appointed to serve as Pastor.  He served for one conference year.  The Reverend J. Claude Allen, who would later become Bishop of the Third Episcopal District, was appointed Pastor from 1926 -1929.  During Rev. Allen’s tenure, land was purchased on the corner on Norfolk and Wisconsin in Detroit.  Ground was broken to build the basement.  That was the first phase of building a permanent home for Hamlett Temple.  Members grew tired of serving in a tent while waiting for the permanent church home to be completed so they moved across the street to Eight Mile Road and Greenlawn. The edifice was completed during the leadership of Reverend H. F. L. Kendrick who lead the congregation from 1942 – 1948.


Hamlett Temple Colored Methodist Episcopal Church was organized August 23, 1923 in the home of Mrs. Lovie Bandy on Indiana Street near Eight Mile Road in Detroit, MI. Mrs. Bandy, along with Mrs. Sanfrancisco Burt, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Viola Crump, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Blanche Warfield, Mr. Ollie Hill, Mrs. Prudence Williams and Mr. Mores Wright were committed to doing God’s will.  The Reverend S. J. Elliott served as the first Pastor with the Reverend C. H. Cochran as the Assistant Pastor. Reverend H. C. Coggins was the Presiding Elder of the Detroit District.  The founders decided to name the church Hamlett Temple after the Presiding Prelate the Right Reverend Arthur Hamlett.

In 1925, the Reverend J. Black was appointed to serve as Pastor.  He served for one conference year.  The Reverend J. Claude Allen, who would later become Bishop of the Third Episcopal District, was appointed Pastor from 1926 -1929.  During Rev. Allen’s tenure, land was purchased on the corner on Norfolk and Wisconsin in Detroit.  Ground was broken to build the basement.  That was the first phase of building a permanent home for Hamlett Temple.  Members grew tired of serving in a tent while waiting for the permanent church home to be completed so they moved across the street to Eight Mile Road and Greenlawn. The edifice was completed during the leadership of Reverend H. F. L. Kendrick who lead the congregation from 1942 – 1948.

Hamlett was doing well for many years with increased membership, a modernized edifice and paying of church assessments.  In December 1954, the name of the Connectional Church changed from Colored Methodist Episcopal Church to Christian Methodist Episcopal Church to include all people.  

During the latter part of 1965, the city of Detroit notified Hamlett Temple’s members that they wanted to purchase the existing property to expand parks and recreation.  The city paid Hamlett Temple $18,000 for the land which compelled the members to seek another location to worship. In 1966 under the leadership of Reverend Louis Johnson the congregation purchased the Wesley Methodist Church, located at 13600 Wyoming Avenue, for $117,000.  Included in the purchase of the property was the sanctuary, a nine room parsonage located on Birwood Street, a youth annex with a three room apartment located next door to the church.  The members worshipped in the annex until the main sanctuary was completed.  Once completed, Pastor Fred D. Killingham, Presiding Elder James W. Jenkins and Bishop J. Claude Allen, the Hamlett Temple congregation and well-wishers walked into their new beautiful sanctuary.

The Reverend Norman L. Ott became Pastor in 1968.  A young man, Reverend Kenneth Acey served as a Local Preacher and assistant to Pastor Ott.  Under the leadership of Rev. Ott, Hamlett worked, fellowshipped and had many community outreach programs.  We had the best youth choir in the Detroit District; the choir received accolades whenever and wherever they sang.  Reverend Ott was very active in the community and the church was full of active and loving members. 

Prior to Rev. Ott’s retirement, Bishop Allen offered a plan to Hamlett.  He said that if we raised $6,000, the Annual Conference would give the Church the balance of $9,000 to pay off the church’s debt of $15,000.  The congregation accepted the plan.  In May of 1974 the mortgage was paid in full.  On November 23, 1975 the mortgage was burned and the cornerstone was laid.   Pastor Norman Ott, Presiding Elder John W. Bonner and Presiding Henry C. Bunton led Hamlett in this history making event.


Reverend Charles Roundtree returned to Hamlett for his second tenure as Pastor from 1976 – 1984.  During his tenure, Hamlett purchased its first Hammond organ and with the Reverend C. L. Roundtree’s inspiration, the choir was organized.  Following Reverend Roundtree was the Reverend Doctor Frederick Long, a distinguished gentleman who served from 1984 – 1986.  The Reverend C. A. Jones was appointed for one year.  Reverend Kenneth Acey returned to Hamlett as the Pastor from 1987 – 1990.

 In 1990, history was made when Hamlett Temple received, with open arms, its first female Pastor Teresa Bradfield-Parker.  The Reverend Tyson Kelley served as a Local Preacher and assistant to Pastor Parker.  During the pastorate of Reverend Parker the members were very active fellowshipping with other churches in the community.  Hamlett received recognition in the community when Pastor Parker led the congregation in installing a beautiful marquee on the lawn showcasing Hamlett’s presence.  Church growth took place under her leadership of eleven years, ending in 2001.

Reverend Alexander Harvey, a singing and praising man of God was appointed as Pastor of Hamlett from 2001 – 2003.  Many young adults united with the church during his tenure. Reverend Harvey started the Westwood Nursing Home Ministry as a Missionary Society project.  On the second Saturday in each month the missionaries would go to the nursing home.  One month they would assist the residents in making crafts and during the next month a meditation would be done by a member of the ministerial staff.  During Reverend Harvey’s tenure, his melodious voice inspired the congregation especially when he sang “I Won’t Complain.”


Reverend Adrian Swanigan shepherded the flock from 2003-2008.  Under his leadership, Hamlett Temple sponsored its first television broadcast to the general public, and it is believed that it was the first CME Church in Detroit District to do so.  In addition on November 3, 2006, members and friends of Hamlett Temple donated a state of the art public address system for the church’s 83rd Anniversary. Pastor Swanigan also began a Community Fellowship program each third Sunday to increase the membership by inviting the community to fellowship in the service and afterwards with dinner.  He also spearheaded the purchase of a new security system.

Reverend Zachary E. Easterly served as pastor of Hamlett Temple from 2008 – 2009.

On July 19, 2009 Bishop Paul A. G. Stewart, Sr. appointed Hamlett Temple’s second female Pastor in the person of Reverend Doctor Barbara L. Delaney.  Dr. Delaney was committed to church growth and discipleship.  During her leadership, the men and women’s restrooms were renovated.  She had uplifting services with the end of the summer month’s revivals allowing an open fellowship with other congregations.  Also, during Dr. Delaney’s tenure the monthly food distribution ministry was initiated.  The members of the Missionary Society spearheaded that ministry.

Bishop Sylvester Williams, Sr., appointed Reverend Donte Townsend as Pastor of Hamlett.  He lead the congregation from 2018 – 2019.  Dr. Holt’s expiration was untimely, and Reverend Townsend led the congregation through a year of mourning and transition.  He encouraged the congregation to continue in praise and worship and began the morning services reminding us each Sunday that we were glad to be in the service.

In 2019 Bishop Sylvester Williams appointed Rev. Dr. Barbara L. Delaney as Supply Pastor at Hamlett.  During her first three months of leadership the roof was repaired, rooms painted, and the Overflow remodeled.  On November 10, 2019 during the celebration of Hamlett’s 96th Church Anniversary, the Overflow area was dedicated and named The Teresa Parker Overflow, after the Church’s first female pastor.  The fellowship hall was dedicated and named The Reverend Doctor Robert L. Holt Fellowship Hall.  Additionally the names and tenure of each pastor was listed on metal plates and placed on the wall west of the Narthex.